As we have been reporting, the Nevada GOP is holding a private caucus despite the state being mandated to hold a primary for both major parties.

This may have some Nevada Republicans asking which one should they should participate in.

Arguably the biggest concern revolves around the fact that the Nevada GOP is holding their caucus just two days after the state sanctioned primary, and whether it will confuse, or even possibly disenfranchise voters.

Secretary Aguilar said if voters have questions they should refer to their party. 

"What we're trying to do is make sure that we increase voter engagement as much as possible. If a voter chooses to participate in the primary process, great. If they choose to participate in the caucus, great. But it's up to the party to determine how they're going to educate their voters, how they're going to educate their members, to get that ultimate engagement," explained Nevada Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar.

The meeting was informational with representative from both parties giving presentations on their respective nominative processes.

Nevada Democrats Executive Director Hilary Barrett talked about how they're working to engage as many voters as possible as well as getting strong turnout from a diverse range of voters from both rural and urban areas.

On the Republican side, candidates who would participate in the state primary would be barred from participating in the caucus. The caucus is the only opportunity for candidates to earn delegates from Nevada. 

Republican National Committeeman Jim Degraffenreid said that restriction would not apply to Republican voters.

"We are not going to tell anybody not to participate in the primary, voters have every right to participate in any election process that comes their way," said Republican National Committeeman Jim Degraffenreid.

However, there may not even be a state primary for Republicans in Nevada.

The state is only mandated to hold a primary when two candidates from the same party file to compete.

"As the Secretary of State mentioned there have to be at least two candidates to file with the state in order to hold a presidential preference primary on February 6th and we don't know yet who all filed in that primary, so it is possible it won't be held," said Degraffenreid.